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Change a Life

Nowadays, there are still children who do not learn to read or write because it is too expensive for parents to send them to school. Some out-of-school children see all the doors closed and have no other choice but to go to the fields. Light of Africa Inc and its partner ONG A.S.I. TOGO refuse to see these children leave every morning, not with a notebook but with a machete and a hoe to help their parents. Far too many families still cannot afford to pay for their children's schooling, to provide them with uniforms and pencils. That is why Light of Africa Inc and ONG A.S.I. TOGO are also trying to send the neediest children to school.

Did you know it costs only $1 a day to keep a child in school? Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the lowest school enrollment rates in the world. Help keep a child in school by sponsoring a student today. 

Sponsor a Student: About Us
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EIN 83-4423891

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